We won an Impressive Second Place in the Company of the Year: Equal Opportunities 2024!

We are very pleased to announce that we have won a fantastic second place in the Company of the Year: Equal Opportunities 2024!
Our commitment to equal opportunities and work-life balance has paid off and we have been recognized among many great companies.

This year's competition attracted companies with more than 15,000 employees. We came second in the competition of the best, which is a great success and motivation for the future. 

Lenka Volfová enthusiastically shared her feelings: “We are very grateful; we live work-life balance, so we have this award.”

Innovation, promotion of diversity and the transferability of our programs to other companies are the main reasons for our success. Employee satisfaction and equal opportunities are the foundation of our corporate culture. 
During the awards ceremony at the Přítomnost cinema in Prague, the theme for next year's competition was also announced. We look forward to taking on this challenge and showing that we are among the leaders in promoting equal opportunities. Thank you to all our great employees for their dedication and enthusiasm.

This success belongs to everyone at IBA!


31. 5. 2024


The Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses is an investigator of the project “Extending services portfolio of an information system for the data management in clinical research”. The project is supported by the OP EIC from the European Union funds.

Main objective of the project is the development of a platform for composition of information systems focused on data management and data mining in the field of pharmaceutical industry and life sciences. Offer of digital services based on a developed and validated information system will make reliable analytical models accessible to the companies for their decision-making and precise information sources for regulatory bodies. The project steps out of a laboratory environment of clinical trials and focuses on the evidence supported by real-world data.

Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Ltd.